3 Mistakes Nonprofit Consultants Make In The First 3 Years Of Business

Training for nonprofit-serving consultants

(And The Secrets Of How To Avoid Them)

Value: $197. Yours FREE.

You’re about to save hours of painful and costly mistakes and fast-track your way to a successful consulting business.


As Featured In:

As a consultant, you want to finally feel like a business owner.

Where your expertise in the nonprofit sector is highly coveted and you have clients lining up to work with you.

You want more time freedom, more income (without feeling bad about making more money), and to have a great impact on the nonprofits you work with.

But instead, you feel like an imposter.

Like you’ve traded your 9-5 with something even harder - entrepreneurship.

You’re on the verge or burnout most of the time, over working for a limited income and constantly second guessing (or worse - apologizing) for your pricing.

You’re working long hours. 

Struggling with cash flow.

Saying yes to working with clients you don’t want to work with.

Accepting jobs for work you don’t want to do.

And the hardest part - your success rests squarely on your shoulders and yours alone.

Was the promise of more time and freedom just a lie?

If you’re a nonprofit consultant who is feeling the stress of finding the right clients, trying to get all the work done, and still chase after that elusive “work-life balance” - this training is for you!

The first 3 years of business can make or break your success.

Mistakes are part of learning and growth, but there are some mistakes you don’t need to make to be successful.

Join me in this free training to learn:

  • The hidden reason you ended up doing work you don’t want to do (and how to find the work that you love)

  • Why on earth it feels like your business is running you (to the ground) and how you can start running your business the way you dream of

  • The secret behind your constant overwhelm and what actions to take to find your consulting groove

  • Why ambition isn’t a dirty word and how you can embrace your own ambition to break free from the barriers and limitations we’ve accepted as part of the nonprofit sector.

  • How to create abundance for you and the clients you serve

I’m Your Presenter, Cindy Wagman

I've walked a similar path to the one you're on now. I’ve wrestled with the unique intricacies of the nonprofit world while trying to make an impact – all while building a business that would work for me and not the other way around.

My journey began with a deep-rooted passion for service, but I quickly fell into the trap of overcommitment and burnout. From in-house fundraiser to spearheading my own nonprofit-serving business, I've experienced the highs of success and the lows of feeling lost.

I remember the countless times I yearned for guidance from someone who'd truly been in the thick of it.

With more than two decades in the nonprofit world, an MBA, and the last eight years building a $500,000+ business, I'm bringing my education and experience to you and your business. It is my mission to create a movement of nonprofit coaches and consultants who can achieve a huge impact on the world and for themselves.

3 Mistakes Nonprofit Consultants Make In Their First 3 Years Of Business

(and the secrets of how to avoid them)